Friday, October 26, 2007

If I Were....

1. If I were a month I would be: March (my birthday month)

2. If I were a day of the week I would be: Saturday (that’s the day my people are home.)

3. If I were a time of day I would be: 4:16 AM (that’s when I like to start whining at the door for Randy to take me out. He gets so annoyed, ha ha.)

4. If I were a direction I would be: Up

5. If I were a piece of furniture I would be: A bed – I know that I’m not allowed, but sometimes I get on my people’s…Sssshhhh!

6. If I were a liquid I would be: Coffee

7. If I were a stone I would be: Rock

8. If I were a tree I would be: Dogwood

9. If I were a bird I would be: Guinea Hen

10. If I were a tool I would be: a leash

11. If I were a flower/plant I would be: Grass (especially the Fire Department’s grass. I love to lay in it.)

12. If I were a kind of weather I would be: Sunny – I HATE thunderstorms.

13. If I were a musical instrument I would be: a whistle

14. If I were a color I would be: Green. It’s the color of grass. I LOVE grass, especially the fire departments. Wait, did I say that already?

15. If I were an emotion I would be: Emotional

16. If I were a vegetable I would be: Carrot (Abbey gives them to me all the time and I LOVE them!)

17. If I were a sound I would be: Barking

18. If I were a car I would be: Mini Cooper

19. If I were a food I would be: Beneful

20. If I were a place I would be: The backyard

21. If I were a material I would be: Fur

22. If I were a scent I would be: Wet Dog.

23. If I were a word I would be: Outside?

24. If I were a body part I would be: Tail (it wags when I’m happy.)

25. If I were a facial expression I would be: Smile (my smile is showing my teeth when Randy teases me.)

26. If I were a subject in school I would be: Lunch.

27. If I were a game I would be: Playing “Hand” with Randy. Basically, he just fights with me and uses his hand. He usually wins though.


Anonymous said...

This is great, I can just imagine him saying these things!!! I love the one about the food he would be...BENEFUL!!! LOL!!!!

Your Great Higgins

Anonymous said...

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